The Nova M4 automated DBS puncher has a four-plate capacity. It is perfectly suited for neonatal screening laboratories that test two to four parameters.
Based on proven BSD Robotics technology, the Nova M4 automated Dried Blood Spot puncher combines simplicity and efficiency. It is fitted with basic features for rapid Dried Blood Spot Punching.
The Nova M4 DBS puncher has a fixed head with a single punch size. The sampling card is positioned by visual alignment by the user before each punch. Sample traceability is ensured by the bar code reader. The information generated can be used by the laboratory LIMS. The DBS puncher has several ways to trigger the punching mechanism: either automatically or manually.

Instrument features:

  • Four-plate capacity
  • Single punch size
  • Compatible with standard 96-well height plates
  • Barcode tracking of samples
  • Auto trigger (automatic punch)
  • Mobile chute system
  • Air humidifier system to reduce static electricity
  • Import and export of files via LIMS
  • A computer with Windows 10 is required

BSD Studio software included.

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