Technical support of hplc instruments

The Gilson hplc instruments come with a one-year warranty, which includes spare parts and labor compensation in case of problems. You can extend the warranty coverage for up to three years to ensure optimal instrument performance and plan future investments in your instrument. If you need a more comprehensive plan, the Extended Warranty includes spare parts and labor costs, as well as annual preventive maintenance to ensure maximum device performance and uptime.

Discontinued models of Gilson instruments:

Hplc pumps: 302, 303, 307, 308;

UV detectors fixed wavelength: 111, 112;

UV detectors variable wavelength: 115, 116, 117;

UV/VIS detectors variable wavelength: 118, 119, 151, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159;

Fluorescence detectors: 121, 122;

Refractive index detectors: 131, 132, 133.

If you have outdated hplc systems, our extended service plan will provide diagnostic, repair, maintenance and training services with consistent quality. Our engineers use the latest tools and procedures and, of course, original spare parts / OEM parts.


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