Our team explores new resolution possibilities of hplc column stationary phases and this knowledge helps us to solve customer tasks. Each chromatography system we sell is a separate project. Here are some examples of our method development team.
AZ, AL, S, P, T
2. Hplc separation (RP) fifteen brandy markers:
Gallic acid, Furfural, Syringic acid, 5-Methylfurfural, Vanillic acid, Syringic aldehyde, Vanillin, 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, Synapic acid, Synapic aldehyde, Ferulic acid, Coniferyl aldehyde, Ethyl vanillin, p-Coumaric acid, Ellagic acid
3. Hplc separation artificial sweteeners and preservatives:
Acesulfame, Cyclamate, Saccharin, Caffeine, Sucralose, Aspartame, Sorbate, Benzoate.
4. Hplc separation of six veterinary antibiotics:
Trimethoprim, Sulfamerazine, Tylosin D, B, C, A